Assessment RubricHalf of your grade for this project will be based on the design of the visuals that accompany your presentation. The grade for the design of your presentation will be based on the following: (10 points per element) \ LEGIBILITY \ ORGANIZATION \ QUALITY OF INFORMATION \ VISUAL ENGAGEMENT \ CREATIVITY The other half of your grade for this project will be based on the delivery of your presentation. ALL presentations must be at least 7 minutes and no more than 10 minutes. The grade for your delivery will be based on the following: (10 points per element) \ KNOWLEDGE OF MATERIAL \ CLARITY OF SPEECH \ EYE CONTACT \ ENTHUSIASM \ TIME | THE VMFA PRESENTATIONFor this Semester Exam, students are required to choose two works of art from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts to thoroughly research and give a 7 -10 minute verbal presentation that is accompanied by a visual presentation (Google Slides, Prezi, or any other dynamic visual presentation means). The works of art chosen should be of great interest to the presenter, and should be chosen strategically in an effort to inform the individual artwork of the presenter. Each presentation must address WHY the student chose the works for research and explain HOW the research might impact his or her future work. In the presentation the student is required to Describe, Analyze, and Interpret the works to provide meaningful context for the audience. The presenter must also give context to the artist who made the work, being sure to include at least one meaningful quote from the artist to help the audience better understand the artist's approach. The Breakdown: 7-10 minute presentation. (Should be rehearsed) Explain WHY you chose the work Explain HOW the research will impact your future work Describe the work (What are we seeing?) Analyze the work (How is it designed?) Interpret the work (What does it mean?) Give context to the work and its maker Provide a meaningful quote from the artist |
Art 45